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DEM Accuracy Model Based on Area-altitude Analysis of Strahler(PDF)


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DEM Accuracy Model Based on Area-altitude Analysis of Strahler
Ren ZhifengLiu XuejunLu HuaxingBian Lu
Virtual Geographical Environment of MOE Ley Laboratory,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
D ig ita l E leva tionM odel DEM accuracy area-a ltitude ana lysis of Strahler e rror distr ibution
A new m ode lw hich could eva luate the accuracy o fG rid dig ital e levation m odel ( Gr id DEM ) is recomm ended to study both the DEM’ s quan tita tive g loba l erro r and its error distr ibution by a rea-a ltitude ana lys is o f A. N. S trah ler wh ich is w ide ly used in geomo rpho logy. Further, a new a rithm eticwh ich wou ld ca lcu la te the S trah ler’ s curve and its integ ra l quantity quickly and un ique ly is designed to support th is m ode.l To ensure its re liab ility, add itiona lly, a com par-i son between this m ode l and roo tm ean square erro r ( RM SE) based on three d ifferent sets o f Grid DEM data interpo la ted from the sam e contour data is a lso discussed at the end of the paper.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05