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Depth-Weighted LSE for Linear Regression Model and the Fit-Test(PDF)


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Depth-Weighted LSE for Linear Regression Model and the Fit-Test
Fan Yunzheng1Lin Lu2
1.School of Science,Nantong University,Nantong 226007,China
robustness statistica l dep th depth-w eigh ted LSE
The ordinary Least Squares Estim ate ( LSE) in linear regress ion model is no t robust form any cases. A c lass o f projection-based depth functions, depth-w e ighted m ean and depth-w e ighted LSE w ere studied. These estim ates had desirable robustness. The prob lem of testing the fit of linear regression m ode l under the depth-w e ighted LSE w ere a lso d iscussed.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05