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Effects of Several Kinds of Eco-friendly Feed Additives on Growth and Digestive Enzyme Activities of Macrobrachium Nipponense(PDF)


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Effects of Several Kinds of Eco-friendly Feed Additives on Growth and Digestive Enzyme Activities of Macrobrachium Nipponense
Cai Yongxiang1Xie Guosi2Bian Wenji1Liu Wenbin2Qin Qin1
1.Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute of Jiangsu Province,Nanjing 210017,China
2. Col lege ofAn im al Science and Techno logy, Nan jing Agricu ltu ralUn iversity, Nan jing 210095, Ch ina
Macrobrachium N ipponense eco-friendly feed add itive d igestive enzymes w eigh t gain rate
Flavom yc in as feed additivew as m axed w ith basal feedstuff to form con tro l g roup feedstuff and the added level w as 0.08 g /kg. Four k inds o f feed add itive, wh ich we re Ch inese herba lmed ic ine Ⅰ , Ch inese he rbalm edicine Ⅱ , synb iotics and com pound enzym es, w erem ax ed w ith basa l feedstuff separate ly to form tria l group feedstu ffs. The added leve ls of them w ere 15 g /kg、20 g /kg、0.2 g /kg and 0.6 g /kg respective ly. The experim entalM acrobrach ium N ipponense ind iv idua ls w ere cu ltured in concrete tank for 40 d feeded w ith the five kinds of feedstuffs. Then, the activ ities of am y lase, tryptase and peps in in the stom ach and the hepatopancreas, as w e ll as the activ ity of intestine protease, and the re la tive w e ight ga in rate we re investigated. One-w ay ANOVA show n tha t feed additives o f trial g roups had sign ifican t effects on the ac tiv ities o f digestive enzym es in the stom ach and the hepatopancreas ( pepsin, tryptase) and on the re lative w e ight ga in rate( P < 0.05) , how ever, no significant differencesw ere found in ac tiv ities o f the intestine pro tease, as w ell as the hepatopancreas am y lase(P > 0. 05). The exper iment shown that the re lative w e ight ga in rate and m ost o f the d igestive enzym es activ ity item s of flavomy cin group w ere sign ificantly low er than that ones o f o ther g roups respective ly, ex cept pepsin in stomach of com pound enzym es group, as w e ll as tryptase and am y lase in stom ach o f Ch inese herbal m ed icine Ⅱ g roup. The re lative w e ight ga in rates o f Ch inese herba l m ed ic ine Ⅰ, Chinese herbal m edic ine Ⅱ, com pound enzym es and synbiotics g roup w ere h igher than that one of flavom yc in group by 13.10%, 16.53%, 22. 07% and 32.22% respectiv ely. So it was conc luded that the feedstuffes o f the four groups can be d igested and absorbed m ore efficien tly than the feedstuff o f flavom ycin g roup.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05