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Effect of Quark Mass for the Exclusive Process in e~+e~- Annihilation(PDF)


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Effect of Quark Mass for the Exclusive Process in e~+e~- Annihilation
Wang Lizhi1Qi Shuo1Liu Kuiyong2Yang Kun1Cheng Taimin1
1.Department of Mathematics and Physics,Shenyang Institute of Chemical Technology,Shenyang 110142,China
2. Dep artm en t of Phys ics, L iaon ing Un iversity, Shenyang 110036, Ch ina
non-re la tiv istic quantum ch rom odynam ics charm on ium ex clusive process
The effect of quark m ass for the exc lusive pro cess in e+ e- ann ih ilation is investiga ted under three scenar ios. The first scenar io, the fixed long-d istance m atrix was chosen. The second scenar io, the fixed long-d istance m a trix w as ca lcu la ted through linear potentia lm ode .l The third scenar io, the fixed long-distancem atrix was extracted from the experim enta l data. The cross sec tion o f the exc lusive processes w as found increased sign ifican tly w ith the quark m ass de c reasing.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05