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Comparison of Gradient Polyacrylamide and Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis in the Isolation and Identification of Plant SOD Isozyme(PDF)


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Comparison of Gradient Polyacrylamide and Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis in the Isolation and Identification of Plant SOD Isozyme
Cheng Guangyu1Wang Feng2Tao Minxuan2Lu Changmei1Wu Gongrong1Chang Fuchen1
1.School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
2. Jin l ing C ollege, N an jing Norm alUn iversity, Nan jing 210097, Ch ina
GPGE PAGE SOD Iso lation Identifica tion
Th is paper compared the app lication of grad ient po ly acry lam ide ge l e lectrophresis( GPGE) and po lyacrylam ide ge l e lectrophoresis( PAGE) in iso lation and identifica tion o f plant SOD iso zym e. The resu lts show ed that SOD bands on GPGE w ere div ided into three reg ion of A, B, C accord ing to itsRf. TheRf o fA reg ion SOD band was m inim um, it w as sensitive to 1% SDS and w asM n-SOD. The Rf o f C reg ion SOD band w as the biggest, it was no t sensitive to 1% SDS and w as CuZn-SOD. The Rf of B reg ion SOD band was betw een A and C, it was sensitiv e to 1% SDS and was Fe-SOD. The three SOD iso zym es w ere d istinguished by its Rf and sensitiv ity to SDS on polyacry lam ide g radient ge,l th is resu lt w as about the sam e as the resu lt of judgem en t using inh ibitor. The sam e plant sam plew as iso lated by PAGE d id not have the charac teristic. 10 - 13 m o l and 10 - 15 m ol bov ine SOD w as detected in PAGE and GPGE, respective ly. Four and tw o SOD activ ity bands w ere detected in GPGE and PAGE at 1.56 ×10 - 12 m o l bov ine SOD, respectiv ely. TheRf of Fe-SOD from Lycium chinense w as the bigg est in 7. 5% PAGE and it ove rlapped w ith CuZn-SOD in 10% PAGE. The FeSOD and M n-SOD o f cirus w ilsonii, Mn-SOD and CuZn-SOD of C itrus ery throsa w ere ove rlapped each o ther in 10% PAGE, but three types o f SOD w ere com plete ly iso la ted in 4% ~ 35% GPGE. The re liab ility o f iso lating and identify SOD using GPGE w as expounded by tw o tim es g el concentration grad ient electrophores is TGCGE, the Rf and the num be r of SOD bands in GPGE w ere com patible w ith TGCGE, and it can com plete ly iso late and identify the overlapped three SOD types on PAGE.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05