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Preparation and Characterization of p-HPcZn-SiO2(PDF)


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Preparation and Characterization of p-HPcZn-SiO2
Dai Dongping12Zhou Lin12Jiang Weiwei12Lin Yun12Zhou Jiahong12Wei Shaohua12
1.School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
phthalocyan ine s ilica nanoparticles sing le t oxygen quantum y ie ld
p-HPcZn-S iO2 had been prepared through m icroem ulsion m e thod scucessfu lly. The results o f experim ents ind-i ca ted that p-HPcZn-S iO2 had un iform size, strong er stab ility and w e ll d ispersion in the aqueous so lu tion. In add ition, the s ing let oxygen quantum y ie ld of p-HPcZn-S iO2 w as h ighe r than tha t of p-HPcZn.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23