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Main Factors of Influence for Fermentation of Pentose and Hexose Producing Ethanol(PDF)


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Main Factors of Influence for Fermentation of Pentose and Hexose Producing Ethanol
Song XiangyangCheng MuMao LianshanYun CaiqinYong QiangYu Shiyuan
College of Chemical Engineering,Nanjing Forestry University,Key Laboratory of Forest Genetic & Biotechnology,Ministry of Education,Nanjing 210037,China
pentose ferm enta tion ethanol facto rs of in fluence
Fe rm entation o f g lucose-xy lose m ixture to ethano l w as investigated w ith P ichia stip itis. To de finite the conditions o f high sugars concentration ferm entation through changes o f cu ltivation conditions. The resu lts of study show ed that it w as fit fo r 30℃ o f tem pera ture in h igh sugars concentra tion ferm enta tion. And the concentration of le ft sug ars and eth- ano l we re 0. 1 g /L, 32.5 g /L respective ly for ferm enta tion in 24 h. It w as better fo r adding ( NH4 ) 2 SO4 and trace ele m ents in ferm enta tion. The concentration of e thano lw as 33.2 g /L. G luco sew as first used by yeast from typical curve o f ferm entation. The utilization ra tes of glucose and xy lose were 89.3%, 10.7% respec tive ly. Itw asm a in use o f xy losea fter 12 h. The concentration o f ethano l increased w ith less of sugars. The concen tration o f ethano l reached m ax im um in 28 h of ferm entation wh ich w as 33. 2 g /L.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23