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Study on Dynamics and Morphology of Cluster of Galaxies Abell 1795(PDF)


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Study on Dynamics and Morphology of Cluster of Galaxies Abell 1795
Li Feng1Yuan Qirong2
1.School of Physics and Mathematics,Jiangsu Polytechnic University,Changzhou 213164,China
c luster of ga lax ies Abell 1795 cD ga laxy dynam ics subc luste r m orphology
Based on the pos ition and redsh ift inform ation o f 154 m em be r ga lax ies of Abe ll 1795 w ith in 1 5 h- 1 M pc from SDSS and NED database, the mo rpho logy and dynam ica l structure o f th is c luste r are ana lyzed. The peculia r ve locity o f the central cD ga laxy is estim ated as 235 72 km s - 1, indicating that the cD ga laxy w as form ed be fo re the com plete v ir ia liza tion. From the spatia l distribution and loca lized ve locity var iation, a subc lusterm ov ing towa rds c luster center is found. The sign ifican t h igh frac tion o f early- type ga lax ies in centra l reg ion suggests low er star form ation in this area. A little h igher fraction o f late- type ga lax ies in outer reg ion seem s to ind ica te ex istence of the gas and dust, wh ich display s an activ e sta r form ation. The extension d irec tion o f cluster g alax ies is consistent w ith the position ang le of the centra l cD ga laxy, wh ich observationa lly supports the h ierachica lm ode l o f c luste r form ation.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23