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Investigation on Butterfly Faunas in Baikal and Jiangsu Regions(PDF)


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Investigation on Butterfly Faunas in Baikal and Jiangsu Regions
Cui Miao1Wang Tianle1Ge Cheng1Cao Ting1Cheng Chen1He Jiaqian1Cheng Chuan1Victor G.Shilenkov2Chen Jianxiu1
1.School of Life Science,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China
Butterfly fauna B aika l reg ion Jiang su reg ion clim ate host plant or ig in and evo lution o f butterflies
The investiga tions of the butte rfly fauna were carried, and near 200 spec imens and m ore than 1000 specim ens w ere co llected respec tive ly in Baika l and Jiangsu reg ions. The butter fly faunas of the two reg ions are prov ided in the present paper on the basis o f the investigations in the two reg ions comb ined w ith thew orks of prev ious researchers, inc lud ing 178 species belong ing to 10 fam ilies and 105 genera in Jiang su and 55 spec ies be long ing to 7 fam ilies and 39 genera in Ba ika .l The d ive rs ity sim ilarity and difference be tw een the butte rfly faunas o f the tw o reg ions are ana ly zed, and the reasons for them are discussed in the th ree aspects: c lim ate, host plan ts, reg ion or ig in and evo lution of bu tterflies.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23