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Synthesis of 2-ethoxyethanol Acetate Catalyzed by Supported Zirconium Sulfate Catalysts(PDF)


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Synthesis of 2-ethoxyethanol Acetate Catalyzed by Supported Zirconium Sulfate Catalysts
Fu PengyuanYang Chun
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
z ircon ium su lfate activa ted carbon 2- ehoxye thano l acetate este rifica tion
A ser ies of activa ted carbon-suppo rted zircon ium sulfate cata ly sts, ZS /AC, w ere prepared by im pregnation. The cata lysts w ere character ized by in frared spec troscopy ( FT-IR), X- ray d iffraction ( XRD), N2 adso rption-desorption and X-ray ene rgy d ispersive spectrome try ( EDS). Itw as found that zircon ium sulfa te could bew e ll d ispersed on the support at lowe r load ing leve,l but ex isted partia lly as sm all agg lom erate crysta lline pa rtic les at loading higher than 40%. These cata ly sts exh ib ited ex ce llent cata ly tic perfo rmance for ester ification of 2- ehoxy ethano lw ith acetic ac id, and the selectiv ity to 2-ehoxyethano l aceta tew as 100%. Under optim al lo ad ing level and reaction cond itions, the conve rsion o f 2- ehoxye thano l is as h igh as 97%, prom ising for industr ial applica tion


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Last Update: 2013-04-23