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Effect of Immune Colostrums on Some Blood Physiological Indices and Hormone Levels in Rats(PDF)


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Effect of Immune Colostrums on Some Blood Physiological Indices and Hormone Levels in Rats
Gao WeiXu LongbingChen Long
School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory for Molecular and Medical Biotechnology,Jiangsu Engineering Research Center for Bio-medical Function Materials,Nanjing 210046,China
imm une co lostrum rat blood phys io log ical index horm one level
Tw enty- four healthy SD rats w ith ha lf of fem a le and m a le w ere chosen and random ly d iv ided into a contro l g roup ( g roup C) , a norm al co lo sturm group ( group NC) and a immune co lostrum s group ( g roup IC) . 8 ra ts in each g roup. Ra ts in groups NC and IC w ere orally g iven 1 mL /100 g BW once a day during 6 days, norm a l co lostrum or immune co lostrum, respective ly. The rats in g roups C we re rece ived physio log ic saline at the sam e dose and frequency. A -f ter exper iment, Physiolog ica l index and horm one lev els in p lasm a we re tested to lea rn the imm une co lo strum s action in physio log ica l and endocr ine. The resu lts showed that dur ing thew ho le exper im enta l per iod, b lood neutrophilic granulocy tes in group IC w ere dram atically higher than tha t in groups C and NC. Plasma Ins level in g roups NC and IC, and T3 level in group IC, w ere significantly h igher as com pared w ith contro l g roup. Plasm aT4 and IL-2 leve ls w ere near am ong three g roups. It suggests that the imm une co lostrum s can enhance non- spec ific imm une function, and prom ote the excretion of m etabo lism horm ones, but take no obv ious e ffects on ce llular immunity in the body.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23