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Preliminary Study of cpDNA Variation of Quercus Variabilis Populations(PDF)


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Preliminary Study of cpDNA Variation of Quercus Variabilis Populations
Wang Shichun 1Xu Li’an 1Chen Jie 1Wang Liping 2
1.Key Laboratory of Forest Genetics & Biotechnology,Nanjing Forestry University,Ministry of Education,210037,China
Q. variabilis cpDNA PCR-RFLP haplo type
Popu la tion v ariation of n ineteen Quercus variab ilis natural populations in nine prov inces of China w as studied w ith PCR-RFLP m arkers. A relative ly fine po lym orphism w as detec ted inQ. var iabilis by restr ic tion ana ly sis o f PCR- amp lified cpDNA fragm ents. N ine haplotypes were observed am ong the 19 popu la tions. The m ajor ity o f gene tic va riations occurred betw een popu lations, w hich could be conc luded from the h igh Gst ( 0, 848 8). H ow eve r the genetic d iversity w ith in the popu la tions was on ly 15, 12%. The ex istent d istribution of Q. variabilis w as probab ly the result of diffusion m a inly from eastern o f Sichuan, southe rn o fQ in lingM ounta in, to Dab ieshanMoun tain after theQuaterna ry g lac ier, to a ll d irections w ith d ifferent adaptive types.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23