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A Projection Pursuit Classification Model Based on K-Means Dynamic Cluster(PDF)


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A Projection Pursuit Classification Model Based on K-Means Dynamic Cluster
Yao Yi12Ni Qin2
1.School of Mathematical Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
pro jec tion pursu it c lassification dynam ic c luste r pro jection index gene tic a lgor ithm
As a com prehensive eva luation m ode ,l pro jection pursu it c lassifica tion mode l has been applied in resea rch w ide ly and ga ined successful results. H ow ever, there are som e drawbacks, such as the uncerta in cuto ff radius, lack ing c lassification rules. In o rder to solve these prob lem s, a pro jection pursu it c lassifica tion model based onK-M eans dynamic c luster is proposed and a new pro jection index is constructed in this paper. F ina lly, the em pir ica l study show s th is m odel is cred ib le and feasible.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23