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Relationship Between the Population Dynamics of the Wintering Red-crowned Crane in Natural Reserve for Rare Birds in Beach Region and Wetland Environment Variance of Yancheng(PDF)


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Relationship Between the Population Dynamics of the Wintering Red-crowned Crane in Natural Reserve for Rare Birds in Beach Region and Wetland Environment Variance of Yancheng
Lü Shicheng
Yancheng National Natural Reserve Waterfowls Natural Reserve,Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Coastal Wetland Bioresources and Environmental Protection,Yancheng 224333,China
red-crow ned crane population dynam ics pro tection and m anagem ent Yancheng national na ture rese rve
Investiga tion on the quantitative change of the w inter ing red crowned crane popu la tion in natural reserv e fo r rare b irds o f Yancheng coastal beach in Jiangsu and the corre la tions w ith theW e tland Env ironm ent Va riance are dis cussed. The resu lts show that thew inte ring red crow ned crane population have sign ifican t g row th between 1982 to 2000, as high as 1128, Recently, popu la tion num ber is decreasingw hich is related to thew etland type changes. Thew inter ing red crowned c rane population in the core area of Yancheng Na tura lReservew ill increasing stably and the only a few w ill m ig ra te in the future.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23