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Studies on Condition Protocorm Differentiation and Root Induction of Dendrobium officinale by Orthogonal Design(PDF)


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Studies on Condition Protocorm Differentiation and Root Induction of Dendrobium officinale by Orthogonal Design
Shao Shiguang12Hou Beiwei1Zhou Qi1Zhang Xiaoxiao1Lu Beibei1Bai Weiya1Ding Xiaoyu1
1.School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
Dendrobium officinale tissue cu lture protocorm d ifferentiation roo t induction orthogonal expe rim en t
To study the effects of d ifferent fac to rs on pro tocorm differentiation and roo t induction o fDendrobium off icinale, tw o g roups of three kinds of facto rs on three levels we re used by o rthogona l des ign. The dataw ere analyzed w ith rang e ana ly sis and va riance analysis. Resu lts show ed that the optim alm edia to induce cluster shee t from protocorm w as N6 medium w ith 6-BA 2m g /L and IBA 0.2m g /L and the pH 5. 8. The effic iency o f the three facto rs w as in sequence of IBA > 6-BA > pH. On the o ther hand, N6 m edium w ith KC l 2.5 m ol/L and agar 4 g /L was su itab le for roo t induction o f Dendrobium officinale. Them ain factorwh ich influenced roo t induc tion was KC l concen tration, and the o the rs m ino r factors w ere ag ar concentra tion and type of basicm edium.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23