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Research on the Event Oriented Spatio-Temporal Retrospect of Geographical Features(PDF)


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Research on the Event Oriented Spatio-Temporal Retrospect of Geographical Features
Zhao Xiaoqin1Sun Yizhong1Wen Ya2
1.Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment,Nanjing Normal University,Ministry of Education,Nanjing 210046,China
spatio- tem po ra l retrospec t event feature change GIS
Taking fundam enta l geography data as exam ple, the log ica l re lationship am ong even ts, chan ing operations and fea tures that are in rea lw or ld, compu terw orld and da tabase is ana ly zed. The feature in fo rm ation table, the ev ent in fo rm ation tab le and the even t-tree w ith relations and restr ictions are constructed. The ev ent o riented spatio-temporal retrospectm e thod o f geog raph ica l feature is proposed wh ich can con tribute to spa tio- tem pora l inqu iry and retrospect


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Last Update: 2013-04-23