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Coastal Wetland Ecological Service Value Loss Appraisal of Reclamation——Take the Coastal Wetland Reclamation of Haimen for Example(PDF)


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Coastal Wetland Ecological Service Value Loss Appraisal of Reclamation——Take the Coastal Wetland Reclamation of Haimen for Example
Wang Jing1Xu Min1Zhang Yimin1Zhu Mengjia2
1.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
reclam ation coasta lw etland ecolog ica l serv ice va lue lo ss appra isal
The paper summ ar izes them a in eco log ica l serv ice o fw etland, and establishs the com putationa lm ethod of loss of eco log ical serv ices va lue by rec lama tion. Coasta lw etland rec lam ation pro ject o fH a im en is ca lculated as an exam ple. The ma rket-va luem ethod, shadow pro ject me thod, displacem en t co st m ethod, resu lts o f reference m ethod and so on are used to estim ate the va lue loss o fw etland eco log ica l se rv ice by the reclam ation pro jec t. The resulet show s that the the tota l value loss of ecolog ica l services o f the rec lama tion project is 2 878.3 m illion yuan /year, per un it area is 1.87 m illion yuan /hm2 ?year. Th is study prov ides am e thod to ca lcu la te coastal we tland eco log ical se rv ice va lue loss o f reclam ation. The eco log ica l serv ice va lue loss prov ides a basis for analysis the integrated profit and loss o f sea reclam a tion and prov ides reference fo r eco log ical restoration and com pensation funds after the pro ject


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Last Update: 2013-04-23