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Thermal Shock Resistance of Laminated Porous Al2O3/ZrO2(PDF)


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Thermal Shock Resistance of Laminated Porous Al2O3/ZrO2
Jiang Yingxin1Liu Mingjian2Li Bo3
1.Department of Physics,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212003,China 2. Department of Physics, Lanzhou Un iversity, Lan zhou 730000, China 3. School of Materials S cience and Eng ineering, U n ivers ity of Science and T echnology ofL iaon ing, An shan 114044
lam inated porous A l2O3 /ZrO2 ceram ics ge lcasting therma l sho ck resistance
Lam ina ted po rous A l2O3 /ZrO2 ceram ics was successfu lly prepared by ge lcasting using laye r-by- layer techn ique. Therm al shock resistance of these lam inated porous ceram ics w as investigated. The resu lts show that the layered porous ceram ics takes on a h igh therm a l shock resistance compared tom ono lith ic porous ce ram ics though they hav e sim -i lar po rosity. The cr itica l difference tem perature ( ΔTc ) and residua l streng th improve from about 300℃and 20M Pa ( ΔT = 800℃ for mono lithic ceram ics w ith 32% po ros ity to 500℃ and 30MPa ( Δ T = 1 100℃ for layered porous ceramics.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08