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Capacitance Performance of Carbon Atom Wires Electrode for Supercapacitors(PDF)


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Capacitance Performance of Carbon Atom Wires Electrode for Supercapacitors
Chen Qiaoling1Xue Kuanhong2
1.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Nanjing University of Technology,Nanjing 210009,China 2. School of Ch em istry and Environm ental S cience, Nan jing N orm alUn ivers ity, N an jing 210097, China
carbon atom w ires supercapac itors capacitance perform ances
A novel carbon m a terial nam ed carbon atom w ires( CAW ) is used fo r e lec trode m ater ia l in supercapacitors. The CAW is fabricated by the py ro lysis o f starch cata lyzed by Fe and treated by concentrated nitr ic ac id to be surface functionalized. The capac itance per fo rm ance of the trea ted- CAW e lectrode is investigated by use o f the cyc lic vo ltamm etry, ga lv anosta tic charge /d ischarge and AC im pedance me thods. The resu lts show ed that the specific capac itance o f 256 F /g o f the e lectrode is ach ieved w ith the d ischarg e current density of 0.2 A / g in the solution o f 5 mo l/L H2 SO 4. In add ition, the treated-CAW e lectrode is found to have low equivalen t ser ies resistance ( ESR) and good cyc ling stab ility.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08