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Screening the Differentially Expressed Genes Related to the Ovarian Development of Chinese Mitten Crab(Eriocheir japonica sinensis) Using cDNA Macroarray(PDF)


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Screening the Differentially Expressed Genes Related to the Ovarian Development of Chinese Mitten Crab(Eriocheir japonica sinensis) Using cDNA Macroarray
Ma Changyan 12Guo Yujie 1Zhou Kaiya 1
1.Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Biodiversity and Biotechnology,School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China 2. Department of Developm ental Genetics, Nan jing M ed icalU n ivers ity, N an jing 210029, Ch ina
E riocheir jap onica s inensis ovary suppression subtractiv e hybr id ization ( SSH ) cDNA macroarray expressed sequence tag
To c lone genes w hich a re re lated to the ovar ian deve lopm ent of Chinesem itten crab, the sub trac ted libra ries have prev iously been construc ted. In the present study, the cDNA m acroarray was prepared to screen the diffe rentia lly expressed g enes and fifty clones identified from the fo rw ard subtrac ted cDNA libra ry w ere selected random ly and sequenced. In tota ,l 167 c lones whose signa l d iffe rence w as > 2 fo lds we re obta ined. O f the d ifferentially expressed clones, 104 c lones w ere h ighly expressed in the ovary at stageⅢ  , 63 c lones w ere h ighly expressed in the ovary a t stage Ⅱ . M oreover, seven independent ESTs we re obta ined from the fo rw ard sub trac ted cDNA library. H om o logy analysis showed that there aren t’ sequences significantlym atching to these ESTs. So theyw ere deduced to be nove l ESTs, and a ll o f them were deposited in dbEST. The accession num be rs are: CA591892、CA591893、CA591894、CA591895、 CA591896、CA591897 and CA591898, respec tive ly.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08