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Research on the Influence Pattern of Elevation Annotation on DEM Accuracy(PDF)


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Research on the Influence Pattern of Elevation Annotation on DEM Accuracy
Shi Zhikuan12Tang Guoan2
1.Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment,Ministry of Education,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China 2. The Research C enter for Ch ina Land Policy, Nanj ing Agricu ltu ralUn ivers ity, N an jing 210095, C hina
DEM e levation po int annota tion po int anno tation dev ia tion index
The position o f elevation po in t and the co rresponding annotation is not ex actly the sam e p lane on topograph ic m aps in the form of CAD, the DEM that d irectly ex tracted from the e lev ation annota tion po int w ill conta ins error. Based on the ana ly sis of the d istr ibu tion pattern between the elevation po int and elevation anno tation po in t, onem ethod o f recover e levation from annotation po int to e levation po in t are proposed through estab lishing spatial re lationsh ip betw een them, at the sam e tim e, so lutions are proposed to test the reliab ility of these re lationships, on the ana lysis o f e rror o f DEM g enerated by the annotation po ints w hich occur d isp lacement, the anno tation dev iation index is po inted out as a qua lity indicator to the qua lity o f e levation annotation, w hich w ill be the foundation o f topographic maps qua lity inspection.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08