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Effects of Chitosan on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Flag Leaf in Rice Under Low Temperature(PDF)


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Effects of Chitosan on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Flag Leaf in Rice Under Low Temperature
Sun Lei123Chen Guoxiang1Lü Chuangen4Cheng Jialing23
1.School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China 2. Jiangsu Un iversity of Science and Technology, Zhen jiang 212003, Chin a 3. The Sericu ltural Research Inst itute, Ch inese A cad em y of Agricu ltu ral Sciences, Zhen jiang 212018, Ch ina 4. Inst itute of Food& C rop s, J iangsu A cadem y of Agricu ltu ral Sciences, N an jing 210014, C h ina
flag leaf in r ice low tem pera ture ch itosan thy lkako id m em brane spectra electron transpo rt ac tiv ities ch lorophy ll fluorescence param e ter
Th is article studies the e ffect o f exogenous ch ito san on pho tosynthetic character istics of flag leaf in rice under low tem perature. The resu lts show ed: dur ing ch illing, 0.5% o f ch itosan in solution could m itigate the injury on chlorophy ll con tent o f flag lea,f e lectron transport activ ities of photosy stem s ( PSI and PSII)、absorption spectra, Fo、qN inc reased and Fv /Fm、qP decreased, whereas the extents w ere less. The cu ltivar sprayed w ith ch itosan increased the qN to d issipate superfluous so lar energy abso rbed and m aintained the higher pho to syn thesis effic iency, w hich improv ed co ld res istance o f r ice.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08