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A Generalization of Existence of Periodic Solution of Convex Hamiltonian System by Using Ekeland Index Theory(PDF)


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A Generalization of Existence of Periodic Solution of Convex Hamiltonian System by Using Ekeland Index Theory
Li Keqiang
School of Mathematical Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
convex H am ilton system s period ic so lutions Ekeland index dua l functional
In this paper, considering the ex istence o f pe riod ic so lutions o f convex H am ilton ian system s and utilizing the dual var iance m ethods and Eke land index theor ies, w e get a new result, w hich improv e an ex istence theorem, proved by M aw hin J the ex istence theory o f period ic so lutions o f convex H am ilton ian system.


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Last Update: 2013-04-11