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Output Feedback Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems Using Observer Design Method(PDF)


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Output Feedback Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems Using Observer Design Method
Bi WeipingZhang JunfengLiu Jinjin
College of Mathematics and Information Science,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang 453007,China
state observer outpu t feedback con tro l g loba lly asym ptotic stab le
This paper studies the prob lem about the output feedback contro l of nonlinear system sw ith non-strict triangu lar fo rm. Using the no rm al observer design m ethod, a Lyapunov function is chosen and a dynam ic output compensator is constructed, w hich gua rantees the sy stema tic g lobally asympto tic stab le. The form of non linear system s is deve loped and the conc lusion imp lem ents the current results. F ina lly, the ex am ple illustrates the correc tness of the conc lusion.


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Last Update: 2013-04-11