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Giant Room-temperature Magneto-capacitance in Laminate Composites of Terfenol-D/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 at Resonance Frequency


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Giant Room-temperature Magneto-capacitance in Laminate Composites of Terfenol-D/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 at Resonance Frequency
Wang WeiTang Jianguo
School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
stress resonance frequency magnetoe lectric coupling magnetocapac itance
The presen t work is focused on the g iant room??temperature m agne to??capacitance (MC) e ffect in lam inate o f TerfenolD( TDF) /Pb( Zr, T i) O3 ( PZT ) composites. Such m agne to??capac itance re la tes to the m agnetic??e lastic coupling of interfaces. Them ax imum negative m agneto??capac itance is as large as 65% and 85% at the resonant frequencies o f 46.15 kH z and 1600 OekH z, respectiv ely, under the b ias m agnetic fie ld of 1600 Oe. A nega tivem agneto??capacitance o f 5% has been observed at sub??resonan t frequenc ies under the same m agnetic field


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Last Update: 2013-04-11