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Assessment of Urban Wetland Ecological Security at Differing Scales(PDF)


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Assessment of Urban Wetland Ecological Security at Differing Scales
Hao JingfengLiu HongyuHu HebingAn Jing
Jiangsu Key Lab of Environment Change and Ecology Construction,School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
urban wetland ecosystem secur ity func tiona l area differing scales Nan jing C ity
Assessm ent o f we tland ecolog ica l secur ity is no t on ly conce rned w ith its eco system hea lth, but shou ld be pa id m ore a tten tion on the prob lem s abou t the sustainable deve lopm ent o f the ecosystem itse l.f The factors that a ffect thew et?? land eco log ica l security are diversity and comp licated, and w e assessed the sm all lake w etland in the urbaniza tion a reas at three differing scales: ecosystem sca le, catchm en t sca le and function sca le. Results showed that: ①The ecolog ica l security indexes of urban sha llow pond w etland were good, from 0?? 70 to 0?? 98;② Quarter ly variation of the d ifferent we tlands w as sign ificantly ( P≦0.01). The va lue o f the ecosystem security w as higher in spring and w inte r but it de?? c lined in summ er and au tum n.③ D iffe rent function a reas of the w etland ecosystem security w ere d istingu ishing. The function o f the bus iness and serv ices land and the educational land w ere sim ila r, and the ir index es were 0.77 and 0.76 respective ly, wh ile the indexes o f the cu ltivated land w ere h igher ( 0.93). Quarter ly var ia tions of the diffe ring functions were distingu ish ing am ong th ree func tion a reas. The indexes in business and serv ices land and the educa tiona l land de?? c lined in summ er and then increased from au tum n to w in ter bu t it just went higher in summ er while w ere steady in other three seasons in the cu ltiva ted land.


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Last Update: 2013-04-11