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Multigrid for a Kind of Mortar-Type Rotated Q1 Element(PDF)


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Multigrid for a Kind of Mortar-Type Rotated Q1 Element
Jiang Yaqin12
1.School of Mathematical Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
mo rtar fin ite e lement rotated Q1 elem ent mu ltig rid
In th is paper, we study a mu ltigr id m ethod for a k ind o fm ortar- type rotated Q1 elem ent. It is proved that the conv ergence o f the W-cyc le mu ltig rid is optima ,l .i e. , the convergence rate is independent of the gr id leve ls and size. Num er ica l experim ents are presen ted to confirm ou r theoretica l results.


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Last Update: 2011-06-15