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The Measurement and Changes of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in Water(PDF)


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The Measurement and Changes of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in Water
Fu YuWei YuchunZhou Yu
Key Lab of Virtual Geographic Environment,Ministry of Education,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
chromophoric dissolved organic matter absorbencywater colorcarbon circulation
Chromophoric dissolved organic matter ( CDOM) is one of the major constituents in water color remote sensing. It is significantly important in the research field such as aquatic ecosystem,optical remote sensing,organic pollution and global carbon circulation,and becoming a hot research topic. This paper systematically summed up the measurement and calculation methods of CDOM,measurement problems,spatial and temporal changes of CDOM and its correlative factors,so as to provide a reference for related work. Presently,routine measurement and calculation methods of CDOM include spectral absorption coefficient and fluorescence spectrum method,CDOM concentration is expressed by absorption coefficient at 355 nm, 375 nm or 440 nm in the former,and expressed by fluorescence intensity at excitation wavelength between 200 nm and 435 nm,and emission wavelength between 250 nm and 600 nm in the latter. CDOM absorption coefficient in water varying with time,region,depth or water body type,and its value is correlated with factors such as salinity,chlorophylla concentration,DOM ( dissolved organic matter) ,suspended sediment concentration and others.


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Last Update: 2013-03-11