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Classical Dynamics and Quasi-Energy Spectral Statistics of a Periodically Kicked Harmonic Oscillator(PDF)


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Classical Dynamics and Quasi-Energy Spectral Statistics of a Periodically Kicked Harmonic Oscillator
Yang ShuangboWei Dong
School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
chaosquasienergynearest neighbor spacing distributionspectral rigidityhigher moment
This paper studies the classical dynamics and quasienergy spectral statistics for a periodically kicked Harmonic oscillator system,under the nonresonance condition. It is found that as we increase the kicking strength κ,and the phase space structure starts from tori for integrable system to completely chaotic for nonintegrable system, the nearest neighbor spacing distribution for the quasienergy spectral keeps the Poissonian distribution,and this is similar to that of the periodically kicked free rotor. The result of spectral rigidities shows that except the case of κ = 30,the rigidities for κ = 0. 13, 1. 6, 2. 0, 2. 6,bunched,increase linearly with L for L < 0. 1,and spread,increase nonlinearly with L,and the rigidity for κ = 0. 13 tends to saturation for L > 0. 1. The number variance Σ2 ,skewness γ1 ,excess γ2 are not sensitive to the change of κ.


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Last Update: 2013-03-11