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Heavy Metal Concentrations and Pollution Assessment of Riparian Soils Along River Network of South Jiangsu Region(PDF)


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Heavy Metal Concentrations and Pollution Assessment of Riparian Soils Along River Network of South Jiangsu Region
Qian Xinfeng1Sheng Guoqing2
1.Changshu Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development,Changshu 215500,China
pollution evaluationheavy metal riparian soils
Taking the riparian soils along South Jiangsu Region as research object, assessment of heavy metal contamination were carried out by single pollution index and fuzzy comprehensive assessment after the heavy metal concentrations were determinated. The results showed that the concentrations of Arsenic( As) ,Plumbum( Pb) ,Chrome( Cr) ,Cadmium ( Cd) ,Zinc( Zn) ,Cuprum( Cu) ,Nickel( Ni) and Hydrargyrum( Hg) were 39. 72 mg /kg ~ 210. 16mg /kg,2. 23 mg /kg ~ 9. 56 mg /kg, 94. 88 mg /kg ~ 64. 08 mg /kg,0 mg /kg ~ 0. 12 mg /kg, 82. 34 mg /kg ~ 238. 39 mg /kg, 31. 13 mg /kg ~ 52. 22 mg /kg, 15. 33 mg /kg ~ 30. 30 mg /kg and 0. 19 mg /kg ~ 0. 56 mg /kg respectively. Accoding to the single pollution index,Pb is in safe state,Cd and Ni is in warning level. Cr,Cu and Zn are in venially polluted level and Hg is middle, while As is seriously polluted. Fuzzy comprehensive assessment indicated that: As is the most important polluted factor at all the sampling point. Therefore,As hyperaccumulator should be considered during greening along riparian so as to simultaneously realize the greening riparian and pollution control.


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Last Update: 2013-03-11