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Study on Improved Hybrid Mobile Agent Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks(PDF)


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Study on Improved Hybrid Mobile Agent Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Zhang Lihong
School of Computer Engineering,Huaihai Institute of Technology,Lianyungang 222005,China
routing algorithmGAACAwireless sensor networkmobile agent
The mobile agent route is essentially a multi-constraint optimization problem. Genetic Algorithms has fast random global search ability,but the feedback information of the system does not use and has the problem of low efficiency to find exact solutions. So this paper proposes a genetic hybrid ant colony algorithm for WSN mobile agent route. Using the fast random global search capabilities of genetic algorithm to find better solutions, then the better solution replaced by the initial pheromone of the ant colony algorithm, finally using the advantages of convergence speed of ant colony algorithm to find the global optimal solution for mobile agent route. Simulation result shows that the algorithm can find optimal mobile agent route in a relatively short time, relative to other routing algorithms, reducing network latency and average energy consumption, improving the speed and efficiency of data transfer.


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Last Update: 2013-03-11