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An Improved Harris Corner Detection(PDF)


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An Improved Harris Corner Detection
Li PengchengZeng YuminZhang Meng
School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
Harriscornernon-maxima suppressionimage rotation
TP391. 41
Harris corner detection algorithm is a classical algorithm,but it makes more serious problems and wastes more time in the large scale image. This article will put forward a new detection algorithm which can reduce the check time and lower the false corners through making non鄄maxima suppression within the circular region. At the same time,without changing any parameters,for image rotation,the new algorithm can significantly reduce the differences in extraction as to the image rotation. Experimental results confirm the validity of the new method and show that the new method greatly improves image corner detection performance with higher accuracy compared with the traditional algorithm.


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Last Update: 2014-06-30