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A Recommendation Algorithm Based on Network Link Prediction(PDF)


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A Recommendation Algorithm Based on Network Link Prediction
Hua Qiuyun1Chen Ling12
(1.Department of Computer Science,Information Institute,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009,China)(2.State Key Lab of Novel Software Tech,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China)
weighted bipartite networklink predictionsimilarityrecommendation algorithm
An algorithm for recommendation based on link prediction in a bipartite network is presented. We use a weighted bipartite network to represent the user-item matrix. Due to the similarity between recommendation and link prediction in bipartite network,we transform the recommendation into the problem of link prediction in bipartite network. The similarity based method is used to predict the potential links considering the topological similarity between the nodes in the network,the similarity between users and the similarity between the items. The potential interests of the users to the items can be found by link prediction in the bipartite network. Our experimental results show that our algorithm can get high recommendation results.


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Last Update: 2015-03-30