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Effects of XZY-YZX Type Three-Spin Interactions on the Classical and Quantum Correlations of the Transverse Field XX Spin Chain(PDF)


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Effects of XZY-YZX Type Three-Spin Interactions on the Classical and Quantum Correlations of the Transverse Field XX Spin Chain
Lei Shuguo12
(1.School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China) (2.College of Sciences,Nanjing Tech University,Nanjing 211816,China)
spin chainsquantum phase transitionquantum discord
By means of the exact diagonalization method,the classical and quantum correlations between the nearest-neighbors in transverse field XX spin chain with XZY-YZX type three-spin interactions are numerically studied. The effects of three-spin interactions on the correlations have been discussed. Both the singularity in the classical and quantum correlations at the critical points can be used to identify the quantum phase transitions of the model. However,different from that of the transverse field Ising chain,no finite-size effect is found in the derivatives in the correlations with respect to the transverse field. In addition,in case of zero external fields,the total correlations between two neighboring spins are divided equally into the classical and quantum parts,and the behaviors of quantum discord under this degenerative condition are in agreement with that in the literatures.


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Last Update: 2015-06-30