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Research Progress of Mining of Gathering Patternin Spatio-Temporal Trajectory(PDF)


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Research Progress of Mining of Gathering Patternin Spatio-Temporal Trajectory
Ji GenlinWang Min
School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
spatio-temporal trajectoryspatio-temporal data mininggathering pattern
The gathering pattern of spatio-temporal trajectory is a behavior pattern of a set of spatio-temporal moving objects,moving together within a certain period of time. As an important pattern of spatio-temporal trajectory,the application range of gathering patterns covers human behavior,transport and logistics,emergency evacuation management,animal behavior,marketing and many other fields. Through mining the spatio-temporal trajectory data,we can discover meaningful gathering patterns to help us monitor and predict some unusual group incidents. This paper summarizes the research progress of mining of gathering pattern in spatio-temporal trajectory systematically. Firstly,we give the classification of gathering pattern. Afterwards,we introduce the mining algorithms of gathering patterns respectively,and also analyse and review its characteristics. Finally,we discuss the major issues and challenges faced by existing methods,in addition,outlook the research of mining gathering patterns.


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