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Revocable Certificateless Encryption Without Bilinear Pairing(PDF)


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Revocable Certificateless Encryption Without Bilinear Pairing
Sun Yinxia1Liu Jing2
(1.School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Jiangsu Union Technical Institute,Xuzhou 221008,China)
revocablecertificateless encryptionwithout bilinear pairing
Certificateless public key cryptosystem,without certificate and key escrow problem,has received wide attention. For a public key cryptosystem,how to revoke a user is a necessary problem to be addressed. However,there still lacks good method to solve the revocation problem in certificateless setting. Based on certificateless encryption,this paper presents a revocation method by constructing a revocable certificateless encryption scheme. Our scheme does not need any bilinear pairing,and the key-update is done via public channels. So,our scheme is more efficient than the existing solutions. The new scheme reaches CCA2 security.


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Last Update: 2015-12-30