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Corporation Social Responsibility and Corporation Value:Statistical Analysis and Empirical Study of China Stock Market(PDF)


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Corporation Social Responsibility and Corporation Value:Statistical Analysis and Empirical Study of China Stock Market
Wang ZikangXiao Binqing
School of Engineering Management,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China
corporate social responsibilitycorporate valueSocial Responsibility Index
Whether the corporations perform the social responsibility can promote the corporation value has been a controversial topic. Because of the difficulty of the evaluation,there is rare domestic scholars’ research this topic. We take the Nanjing University Social Responsibility Index(CSRINJU) as the criteria to measure the corporation social responsibility and make the Tobin Q as the criteria to measure the corporation value. With the empirical test of the China’s a-share market data in 2008 and 2009,this article aims to study the relationship between performing the social responsibility and corporation value of Chinese listed companies,and study whether performing social responsibility can improve the corporate value or not. The research shows that:(1)the social responsibility and the corporate value show a significant positive correlation,and the social responsibility index is proportional to the value and benefits;(2)the corporate value increment rate is proportional to the social responsibility.


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Last Update: 2015-12-30