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An Artificial Bee Colony Clustering Algorithm Based onthe Location Update Technology(PDF)


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An Artificial Bee Colony Clustering Algorithm Based onthe Location Update Technology
Wang JialingHu BenmuSun Yuehong
School of Mathematical Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
location update technologyartificial bee colony algorithmclustering analysisexploitation ability
In this paper,an artificial bee colony(ABC)algorithm based on location update technology is proposed and applied to the problems of clustering analysis. The technology makes the algorithm fully use the information of current optimal solution and the worst solution to do further location update of current optimal solution after the search of onlookers. Experiments show that the ABC algorithm based on location update technology enhances the exploitation ability of applying the previous solutions to look for better solutions. The proposed algorithm also has better clustering performance compared with K-means algorithm,clustering algorithms based on particle swarm optimization and artificial bee colony.


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Last Update: 2015-12-30