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Research on the Construction of Low Carbon Tourism ScenarioBased on Residents’ Community Attachment—Taking “Sanshan” Scenic Area in Zhenjiang as an Example(PDF)


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Research on the Construction of Low Carbon Tourism ScenarioBased on Residents’ Community Attachment—Taking “Sanshan” Scenic Area in Zhenjiang as an Example
Wang Zhimin
Tourism Department,Zhenjiang College,Zhenjiang 212003,China
community attachmentlow-carbon tourism areastructural equation modeling“Sanshan” scenic area
In order to build the sense of community with low-carbon tourism destination model,this paper clarifies the relationships among community attachment and place attachment,perception of tourism,community participation,tourism benefit and the negative impact of tourism. As a case study of national scenic area of “Sanshan”,structural equation modeling method is used to explore the effect and driving mechanism of the attachment of local community in the low carbon tourism scenario. To achieve that goal,several research hypotheses are proposed. The results showed that:local attachment,perception of tourism,community participation,travel benefits and negative impacts of tourism are five main dimensions associated with residents’ community attachment. Actually,there are significant positive relationships among such latent variables with the path coefficient from 0.61 to 0.92. Based on the present analysis,relevant suggestions about promoting low-carbon tourism resort community development were discussed,such as relevant departments should concern about the profitability of low-carbon tourism for the community residents. Meanwhile,another curial task is to effectively increase the participation of residents in the construction of low-carbon tourism and raise the sense of contentment of residents.


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Last Update: 2015-12-30