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Segmentation and Influential Factors of Residents inan Event Tourism Host City——A Case Study of China Flower Expo in Changzhou(PDF)


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Segmentation and Influential Factors of Residents inan Event Tourism Host City——A Case Study of China Flower Expo in Changzhou
Chen Xiaoyan12Huang Zhenfang1Hu Xiaohai3Zhang Ziang1
(1.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.School of Economics and Management,Changzhou Institute of Technology,Changzhou 213002,China)(3.School of Humanities and Social Sciences,Jiangsu University of Technology,Cha
event tourismresidents’ perceptions on tourism impactssegmentation of residentinfluential factors
It hasn’t been discussed more about segmentation and influential factors of residents in an event tourism host city until now. Based on a questionnaire survey on event tourism host city,taking 2013 China Flower Expo in Changzhou as an example,such research techniques as factor analysis,K-means cluster,multinomial logistic regression,crosstabs and non-structural in-depth interviews are employed on segmentation and influential factors of host city. The results show that host city residents are classified into indifferent supporters,ambivalent supporters,rational supporters and enthusiastic supporters. Significant influential factors of residents’ segmentation are gender,age and residence time,the degree related to tourism,residence area. Furthermore,this paper provides a thorough analysis to formation mechanism beyond segmentation of host city residents. Identifying residents groups with different characteristics can minimize the potential negative impact and maximize the support degree of residents,which has a certain influence on success of event tourism.


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Last Update: 2016-03-30