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Estimation Method for Ground Particulate Matter(PM)Concentrations Based on MODIS Data(PDF)


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Estimation Method for Ground Particulate Matter(PM)Concentrations Based on MODIS Data
Dai Ranpo1Su Huidan1Tao Chenyang1Guo Gepu1Ma Qingyu1Xie Yong2
(1.School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100094,China)
satellite remote sensingMODIS datasurface-level PM concentrationaerosol optical depth
A method is proposed to estimate the surface-level particulate matter(PM)concentrations by using satellite remote sensing data in this paper. With the Terra/MODIS satellite-based data and the aerosol retrieval algorithm of two-day MODIS data,the aerosol optical depth over Wuxi city was calculated firstly. Then the relationship between the size distribution range of particle matter concentration and aerosol optical thickness was achieved using the aerosol optical depth and the measured particle matter concentration data. Lastly,the estimated results were evaluated by comparing with the PM values obtained by the ground-based observations deployed in the research region. The estimated PM values and observation results show good correlations and the entire ground monitoring particle mass concentrations are distributed within the range estimated by the satellite remote sensing data. This study confirms the feasibility of PM concentration monitoring with the MODIS data and provides an effective method of PM estimation for surface-level particulate.


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Last Update: 2016-09-30