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Interspecific Relationships of Dominant Species from Celtis sinensisCommunities in Laoshan National Forest Park,Nanjing(PDF)


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Interspecific Relationships of Dominant Species from Celtis sinensisCommunities in Laoshan National Forest Park,Nanjing
Zhang Xiongbang1Yao Rui2Zhang Guangfu2
(1.The First Exploration Team,Zhejiang Administration of Coal Geology,Huzhou 310017,China)(2.School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and Biotechnology,Nanjing 210023,China)
Celtis sinensis communitiydominant speciesinterspecific associationNanjing
Interspecific relationships among dominant species in forests are conductive to understand plant community structure and function,and to discover the mechanisms of species coexistence. According to field survey,the interspecific relationship of 16 dominant species in tree layer of Celtis sinensis community in Laoshan National Forest Park,Nanjing was studied by using variance ratio(VR), χ2-test,three association indices(including Jaccard,Ochiai,Dice)and association coefficient(AC)in the 2×2 contingency table,together with Pearson’s correlation coefficient,Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The result indicated that overall associations between those dominant species in the community were not significantly negative,suggesting that this community was not mature and in the phase of progressive succession.The χ2 test showed that among these 16 dominant species,only 1 species pairs exhibited significantly positive association and 44 species pairs showed that significant negative association.However,most of the total 120 species pairs did not show significant or extremely significant interconnection,reflecting that the sampled dominant species tended to distribute relatively independently and were still in the unstable succession.


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Last Update: 2016-12-31