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Estimation of Net Carbon Emissions and Construction of Low CarbonScenic Area Based on Carbon Neutralization—A Case Study of Jiaoshan in Zhenjiang City(PDF)


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Estimation of Net Carbon Emissions and Construction of Low CarbonScenic Area Based on Carbon Neutralization—A Case Study of Jiaoshan in Zhenjiang City
Wang Zhimin1Zhang Xinlin2Qiu Xiaoying1
(1.Tourism School,Zhenjiang College,Zhenjiang 212003,China)(2.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
carbon sourcecarbon sinknet carbon emissionconstruction of low carbon scenic areaJiaoshan
Currently,tourist attractions have already constituted the important pitch-point space in the low-carbon or carbon-neutral tourism practice. This paper makes the study of Jiaoshan which is in city of Zhenjiang. Firsly,this paper analyzed the composition of carbon source and carbon sink; Secondly,the author measured the carbon footprint of forest,grassland,garden,water area and beach in the tourist area,and made a comprehensive evaluation on the carbon source and carbon sink of the scenic area. With above studies,several concludes were obtained:traffic carbon emissions takes a predominant position in Jiaoshan carbon emissions system,accordingly there is one way to achieve energy-saving and emission-reduction in Jiaoshan which is relevant departments reduce the carbon emission in the process of transportation; furthermore,the facts reveal that forest land and wetland make the most carbon sequestration in Jiaoshan; meanwhile,carbon sink capacity of Jiaoshan is relatively strong,therefore,Jiaoshan should give full efforts to improving the capacity of carbon sink and make the contributing to the construction of low-carbon city in Zhenjiang. Finally,the path of constructing low-carbon scenic area in Jiaoshan has been put forward.


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Last Update: 2016-12-31