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The Spatial Characteristics and Its Influencing Factors ofLeisure Tourism Resources in Nanjing(PDF)


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The Spatial Characteristics and Its Influencing Factors ofLeisure Tourism Resources in Nanjing
Xu DongdongHuang ZhenfangSun HuangpingShi XueyingLiu HuanTan Linjiao
School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
leisure tourism resourcesnearest neighbor indexhot clusteringRipley’s L functionNanjing
Take 615 leisure tourism spots of Nanjing as example,they can be classified into four main types,namely natural recreation type,cultural leisure type,entertainment and recreation type and special leisure type according to their characteristics and leisure mode. This paper studies the spatial characteristics and the influencing factors of leisure tourism resources in Nanjing with the help of the method of GIS spatial analysis. The main conclusions are shown as followed:Firstly,the leisure tourism resources of Nanjing,on the whole,are concentrated in the urban area and sparse in suburb,show the feature of significant agglomeration distribution,and the agglomeration degree of four kinds of leisure tourism resources are different. Secondly,the spatial distribution characteristic of leisure tourism resources of Nanjing is big gathering and small scattering. The entertainment and recreation type of leisure tourism resources are mainly along the traditional commercial circle layout. The cultural leisure type distributes sparsely in space. The agglomeration degree of natural recreation type is not high. The distribution characteristic of special leisure type is small gathering and big scattering. Thirdly,the spatial distribution of leisure tourism resources are obviously depended on spatial scale and they have different distribution patterns under different spatial scales. Lastly,the spatial distribution characteristics of different kinds of leisure tourism resources of Nanjing are differently influenced by traffic conditions,resource endowments,agglomeration characteristics and so on.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01