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Carbon Effects of Coal Resources Flow in ChinaBased on Material Flow Analysis(PDF)


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Carbon Effects of Coal Resources Flow in ChinaBased on Material Flow Analysis
Zhang Saijie1Zhao Yuan12
(1.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Ginling College,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China)
coal resources flowcarbon effectsmaterial flow analysis
Using the material flow analysis method,this paper analyses the metabolic characteristics generated in the process of the China’s coal as a source of energy fuels and industrial processes and products of raw materials fuel. In this context,this paper selected carbon emissions,contribution rates and carbon efficient index synthetically as fundamental variable for measuring carbon scale,share and efficiency of coal resources flow and comparatively analyzed different sectors for the effects of carbon emissions in 2012. Then,the input-output coefficient was used to calculate the influence coefficient and the sensitivity coefficient,and the rationality of the coal resource flow was compared with the result of the carbon effect accounting. The results show that the carbon was tracked within the social and economic system and coal resources flow shows different states for subsystems. Besides,direct carbon emissions of coal resources were unevenly distributed,with concentration of sectors and significant difference between carbon emissions efficiency. As for carbon effects essence,direct carbon emission was significantly different among various industrial sectors,which can be divided into high,medium and low carbon sectors. From the point of view of the rationality of coal resources flow,the low carbon emission sector was the most reasonable sector of coal resources utilization structure in China. Emission reduction policies should therefore have the authority to decrease carbon production and improve the efficiency of carbon,promoting the allocation structure of coal resources in the industrial sectors,and gradually achieving clean and efficient use.


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Last Update: 2017-06-30