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Sources Apportionment and Pollution Assessment of Heavy Metalsin the Sediments of the Northern Haizhou Bay in China(PDF)


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Sources Apportionment and Pollution Assessment of Heavy Metalsin the Sediments of the Northern Haizhou Bay in China
Meng Kun1Xu Min1Xu Wenjian1Ding Yanzhe2Zhou Cong1
(1.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Nantong Marine Environmental Monitoring Center,Nantong 226005,China)
surface sedimentsheavy metals contaminationsource analysisthe Northern Haizhou Bay
In this paper,concentrations of 7 heavy metals(As,Hg,Cu,Pb,Zn,Cr,Cd)in 15 surface sediments of the Northern Haizhou Bay were investigated to determine their spatial distribution,pollution and sources of heavy metals. The results indicated the mean contents of Cd,Pb,Zn,Cu and As were 2.62,2.58,1.80,1.35 and 1.24 times of their respective background values of the coastal regions of Jiangsu Province,which indicated there were obvious accumulations of these heavy metals. A multivariate analysis(PCA)indicated that Cr and Hg were mainly from natural contributions,while Zn,As,Cd and Cu were influenced by industrial,agricultural and domestic pollution. Pb may be mainly derived from ship pollution. The geoaccumulation index for Haizhou Bay indicated a slight to moderate pollution by Pb and Cd. The overall ecological risk of study area was at low ecological risk level,Cd was the most important contaminating elemet with a middle-level to high-level ecologicl risk while other elements had low ecologicl risk level.


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Last Update: 2018-11-06