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Study on Identification of Center-Gateway and Opening-up Patternin Yunnan Province Based on Dual-Nuclei Structure(PDF)


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Study on Identification of Center-Gateway and Opening-up Patternin Yunnan Province Based on Dual-Nuclei Structure
Ma Yingyi1Lu Yuqi2Wang Dawei1Dai Jun1
(1.School of Architectural Engineering,Jinling Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211169,China)(2.School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
centergatewaydual-nuclei structureopening-upYunnan Province
F291 TU984 [
Based on construction of comprehensive uation system about centrality and gateway property,this paper carried out spatial identification of centers and gateways and conducted research in opening-up spatial structure and imagery on prefecture and county scales in Yunnan Province in the context of the Belt and Road. The main conclusions of this paper are listed as follows. Firstly,Kunming is gateway-based central city. Most central cities are local administrative centers and amassing in middle Yunnan Province spatially. Most gateway cities possess high-level ports,airports,harbors and stations. There is inheritance existing on scale in most central cities,while there is dislocation existing on scale in most gateway cities. Secondly,spatial pattern of center-gateway combination in Yunnan Province can be described as follows,“dense in the east and sparse in the west”“east-west independence”and“directed and undirected opening-up complementing each other”. County scale is deepening and supplementing to prefecture scale. Kunming shows prominent leading role on both scales and both types of opening-up. Thirdly,there are 9 groups of dual-nuclei structures formed on the two scales in Yunnan Province,among which,Qujing-Kunming with the quick path of Kunming-Qujing line is the cross axis of economic geography in Yunnan Province; Kunming(main city)-Honghe(Hekou county),Dali(city)-Dehong(Ruili city)are the cores which promote construction of two external economic corridors of Kunming-Hanoi and Kunming-Kyaukpyu; Baoshan(Tengchong city)and Xishuangbanna(Mengla county)both should improve their construction level and strength.


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Last Update: 2020-11-15