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The Skinfold Thickness of Ejina Torghut Mongolian(PDF)


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The Skinfold Thickness of Ejina Torghut Mongolian
Yan MingliangLi Yonglan
College of Life Sciences and Technology,Inner Mongolia Normal University,Hohhot 010022,China
skinfoldbody fatageTorghutMongolian
Using random sampling method,7 skinfold thicknesses values of facial,triceps,biceps,subscapular,suprailiac and calf of 196 adults(84 males,112 females)of Torghut Mongolian in Ejina were measured in September 2015. And analyze the variation features of skinfold thickness varies with increased age. The u test was performed on the skinfold thickness between male and female,compared and cluster analysis the skinfold thickness values between Torghut Mongolian and other ethnic groups in China. The results showed that,(1)The thickness of the sex skinfold was compared,differences were statistically significant. In addition to the facial skinfold thickness,the other skinfold thickness of female was higher than that of male.(2)Comparison of the percentage of body fat percentage in the same age group(%)the percentage of female body fat was higher than that of male.(3)With the increase of age,before the age of 60 of Torghut Mongolian,the subscapular and suprailiac skinfold thickness increasing gradually.(4)Torghut Mongolian male subscapular skinfold thickness for most,the most thick biceps skinfold,the thickness of subcutaneous fat in the trunk was higher than that in the limbs. The female is the triceps skinfold thickness for most,the most thick biceps skinfold.(5)Compared with the other 14 ethnic groups,in addition to the a suprailiac skinfold,Torghut Mongolian the rest of the skinfold thickness were higher than those of other groups. The thickness of the Mongolian skinfold has the characteristics of the North Asian species.


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Last Update: 2020-11-15