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Three-Dimensional Phenotypic Reconstruction ofCrop Fruit Based on Multi-View Image(PDF)


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Three-Dimensional Phenotypic Reconstruction ofCrop Fruit Based on Multi-View Image
Yang Huijun14Wang Ruiping1Wang Zengying3Wang Xin2
(1.College of Information Engineering,Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,China)(2.Department of Foreign Languages,Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,China)(3.Three Squirrels Nanjing R&D Innovation Center,Nanjing 210019,China)(4.Key Laboratory of Agricultural Internet of Things,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Yangling 712100,China)
three-dimensional fruit phenotypesparse point cloud algorithmdense point cloud algorithmdenoising
Obtaining point cloud based on laser scanning equipment has many problems such as complicated operation,high cost,and difficulty in popularization. Therefore,this paper studies the three-dimensional phenotypic reconstruction of crop fruit in complex background based on common images. We have built a 3D reconstruction architecture integrating the advantages of SFM algorithm,PMVS algorithm and semi-automatic denoising method. Taking a set of multi-view two-dimensional images of target crop fruits as input sources,we first extracted the feature information of multiple two-dimensional images based on scale of the SIFT operator and rotation invariance parameters. After that,we combined the FLANN algorithm to achieve data matching from different angles. Furthermore,we proposed a fast method of generating sparse point clouds based on the information of key points of 2D pictures and camera parameters. Then,the dense patches are obtained by seed patch extraction and diffusion based on the initial feature matching of PMVS algorithm. We further used visibility constraints to filter out the wrong patches caused by incorrect matching,and realized the generation of complex point cloud model. Finally,we proposed a semi-automatic method to remove outliers from fruit phenotypic point cloud by combining interactive selection and filter,which solved the problem of accurate reconstruction of crop fruit model. The results show that this method in this paper can effectively solve the problem of low-cost,accurate,convenient and fast acquisition of fruit phenotype data in complex experimental environment.


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Last Update: 2021-06-30