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Object Detection to the Pine Trees Affected by Pine Wilt Diseasein Remote Sensing Images Using Deep Learning(PDF)


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Object Detection to the Pine Trees Affected by Pine Wilt Diseasein Remote Sensing Images Using Deep Learning
Wang ChenZhang HuihuiLe JiwangZhao Shuai
Yiwu Surveying and Design Institute,Yiwu 322000,China
pine wilt diseaseremote sensing imagesdeep learningYOLOv3clustering statisticsNMS algorithm
Aiming at the problems of high cost and low efficiency of the traditional large-scale monitoring method for pine wilt disease,the study is based on high resolution UAV remote sensing images and deep learning methods for target detection and geographic location of diseased pine trees in the epidemic area. Establish a sample data set of diseased pine trees,use the YOLO target detection model,and perform sample training through methods such as anchor frame size recalculation and model migration learning. Divide large images into sliding window segmentation and detect them one by one,after NMS overlap processing,coordinate conversion,the study gets the exact number and coordinates of deseased pine trees in the study area. The result shows that the model to detecting the deseased pine trees achieves a high level of 84.8% of precision rate and 81.7% of recall rate. Compared with the traditional visual interpretation method,the accuracy of this research algorithm is close,but the time-consuming is only 1/4 of the visual interpretation method. It can better meet the requirements of management departments for large-scale,high-precision,and rapid identification of pine wilt disease prevention and control.


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Last Update: 2021-09-15